Here's what the world searched for most on Google this year - from Tiger King to Joe Wicks

Google has released its ‘Year in Search’ results for 2020, showcasing what the world has been searching for in the previous 12 months.

As such, there’s no prizes for guessing which queries have topped the charts around the world, but after a tumultuous year for the planet, some pleasing surprises have made their way through.

Here is everything you need to know.

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What have we been searching for in the UK?

In the UK, the top three overall searches of 2020 were ‘coronavirus’, ‘US election’ and ‘Caroline Flack’, after the Love Island presenter’s tragic death in February.

But Google’s yearly report gets more granular than that, and we’re able to see what people were searching for in specific topics.

This year’s most searched ‘How to...’ queries largely reflect life under lockdown: ‘How to make a face mask?’, ‘How to make hand sanitiser?’ and ‘How to make bread?’

But surprisingly, coronavirus only comes in at number three on the list of the year’s top questions overall.

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