YEP Letters: July 4

Check out today's YEP letters

Permits could mean more fly tipping

David Speight, by email

I often feel Leeds City Council fail to think things through and go for an easy option which in many cases is the wrong option.

We will be allowed 12 visits to the council tip per year, if we have a permit. I amOK with a permit, however I wonder if this will cost more than it saves? Will it lead to an increase in fly tipping? I am sure the cost of fly tipping will cost far more than allowing us to use our permits when we need to use them and not limited to 12 visits.

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Unfortunately the rear of where I live has had some selfish individuals fly tip. I rang it in, LCC had to answer my call or email, then send two men out in a vehicle to remove the rubbish that was tipped then of course take it to the landfill.

Where is the saving? Just another bill picked up by the public. Also is it fair? The owner of a small car may have to make three or four visits compared to my one.

Should schools enforce uniform during heatwave?

With temperatures expected to remain in the mid-20s for the foreseeable future many of us are enjoying the novelty of dusting off our summer clothes and leaving our jackets at home for a change. But what about our children? Some school kids are required to stick rigidly to their uniforms - even in sweltering weather - but not all parents are on board. We asked YEP readers for their views and here’s what some of them said on social media..

Stephen Brook

All this started off as discrimination against boys not being able to wear shorts, so enough clever boys being discriminated against went to school in skirts, so rather than the schools giving boys a choice, as they did girls, now they would rather have no choices at all for either gender.

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