Manchester terror attack: Heartbroken partner of Sheffield woman Kelly Brewster says 'I just want to hold her and kiss her again'

Kelly, Phoebe and Ian.Kelly, Phoebe and Ian.
Kelly, Phoebe and Ian.
The heartbroken partner of Sheffield woman Kelly Brewster - who died in the Manchester terror attack - has told how he "just wants to hold her and kiss her again."

Ian Winslow described how he and the love of his life were all set for a long happy future together having just put a deposit down on a house and started trying for a baby.

But their world was shattered on Monday night when 32-year-old Kelly was killed in a bomb blast outside the Manchester Arena.

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Ian, aged 36, told how the last time he heard from his sweetheart was in a text message at about 8pm when she said 'love you'. Just hours later she was gone.

Kelly and Phoebe.Kelly and Phoebe.
Kelly and Phoebe.

In an emotional interview, he spoke for the first time about the unimaginable grief he and Kelly's family and friends are going through.

He said: "I just want to hold her and kiss her again. I miss her so much.

"We had all of these amazing plans together, and now all that has gone. I can't believe it."

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Music-loving Kelly had gone to the Ariana Grande concert with her sister Claire, aged 33, and her niece Hollie, aged 12, and was "really excited."

Kelly and Ian after a Jennifer Lopez concert.Kelly and Ian after a Jennifer Lopez concert.
Kelly and Ian after a Jennifer Lopez concert.

Ian told how he had put a deposit down on a house earlier the same day and text her pictures.

They were in the process of buying a four bedroom detached house for themselves, Ian's daughter Phoebe, aged seven, from a previous relationship, and for the baby they were trying for.

"She said it looked like her dream house. She really was the happiest she has ever been."

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But everything was about to change when he received phone calls from Kelly's relatives late on Monday to say there had been an explosion - and nobody knew where Kelly was.

Kelly and Ian.Kelly and Ian.
Kelly and Ian.

Fearing the worst Ian, along with Kelly's parents and other relatives, rushed to Manchester.

Said Ian: "Claire had been talking on the phone and said there was a huge explosion. It knocked them away from where Kelly was and she could remember her lying there and someone was trying to treat her.

"She wanted to stay but in the confusion she and Hollie got separated and were taken to Manchester Royal Infirmary."

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The family waited at the hospital all night before Claire and Hollie were finally brought in. But Kelly was still unaccounted for.

Police at the arena after the attack.Police at the arena after the attack.
Police at the arena after the attack.

The following day the family were advised to go to Manchester City's Etihad Stadium, which had been set up as a makeshift information centre for missing persons.

Said Ian: "They said there was two adults and two children alive that were being treated and had not been identified yet so we were desperately hoping that one of the adults would be Kelly.

"But this went down to one adult and then they said it wasn't Kelly. We were told that she had passed away."

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He added that hearing the news in reality was almost impossible to take in.

"We were all shocked. Myself, Kelly's parents Kim and Kevin, everyone is absolutely devastated."

Ian has since had to deliver the tragic news to his daughter.

Salman Abedi.Salman Abedi.
Salman Abedi.

"They were so close. When I told her, Kelly's picture came up on the TV and she went over and kissed the screen. She's heartbroken."

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Meanwhile, Claire and Hollie still remain in hospital. Claire suffered a broken jaw in the blast while Hollie has two broken legs.

Ian said both were conscious but there was still serious concern for their injuries.