Leeds folk are not so resolute in sticking to new year pledges

JUST one in five Loiners stuck to their new year's resolutions this year - but women are more likely to stick to them than men, a new poll has revealed.

The Stroke Association survey found that people in Leeds are slightly more resolute when it comes to sticking with their pledges than those across Yorkshire and the Humber as a whole, with 19 per cent achieving their new year’s resolutions compared with 18 per cent across the region.

Nationally, 20 per cent of women saw through their resolutions in 2017, while just 16 per cent of men stuck to their goals. However, the poll found that over a quarter of men who made resolution to start running saw through this resolution, compared to just over a tenth of women. Additionally, half of men who made a resolution to eat healthier are still keeping up their resolution to this day, in comparison to just over a third of women. The charity surveyed over 2,000 UK adults as part of its What’s Your Resolution? campaign, which calls on people to make a New Year’s pledge to sign up to a 5k, 10k or 15k Resolution Run in 2018.

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