Christmas Eve YEP honours: Some of our outstanding Leeds citizens

THEY are heroes who, in their darkest moments of despair, find the strength and humanity to think of others.

Ordinary men and women, mourning the loss of a loved one, who are asked if a son, daughter, husband or wife’s organs can be used for donation.

The majority say ‘yes’ and today the Yorkshire Evening Post salutes their compassion as it hands out its annual Christmas honours.

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One person who will never forget the difference they make is 16-year-old Abi Longfellow, who had a lifesaving kidney transplant in August.

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Abi, who was diagnosed in 2013 with a rare condition called Dense Deposit Disease, touched the nation’s hearts with her moving appeals for support for all transplant patients as she waited for a suitable organ to be found.

And her parents, Andy and Jo, say that, although they know only a few scant details about the person who saved their daughter’s life, the donor’s bereaved family will still be firmly in their thoughts tomorrow.

Jo, from Robin Hood, near Rothwell in Leeds, told the YEP: “Abi finds it very emotional just talking about her donor but what she reminds us is that whilst Christmas is a time for many to remember loved ones past and present, she carries in her heart her donor every single day and never will she forget just how precious her gift is.

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“For Andy and I, from supporting our child over a five-year period with deteriorating health and increasing complications, a young woman has surfaced and just 16 weeks on from transplant she is now planning a future she can reliably work towards.

“For once the past four months have been remarkably unremarkable and given the journey we have been on over the past five years this is nothing short of a miracle.

“From the second we received the offer of the kidney, my heart went out to the donor’s family whilst feeling such a raw emotion of hope for Abi.

“No words can ever express our gratitude but they can be sure that this legacy of life is being so carefully looked after by Abi, who has already demonstrated so much selflessness in driving change for all those with rare diseases and for those with her ultra rare and incurable condition.”

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Jo also thanked the small army of people – including hundreds from Yorkshire – who came forward during her daughter’s wait for a transplant to see if they could act as living donors.

Screening of the volunteers was ongoing when Abi’s deceased donor match was found.

“To consider that all these people unconditionally stepped forward continues to overwhelm us today and to every individual we thank you so very sincerely,” said Jo.

* Around 6,000 patients across the UK are currently waiting for an organ transplant.

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To learn more about joining the NHS Organ Donor Register, visit the website or ring 0300 123 2323.

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